A Progressive Partnership

Market Meditations | May 19, 2022

Since taking the company public, Coinbase has formed a productive relationship with regulators. The firm continues to work towards positive change within the space and has announced that it will be launching the first of its kind ‘crypto think tank’ called the Coinbase Insitute.

  • The newly formed crypto native think tank announced its mission to accelerate rigorous, novel research and bring together the best minds to fuel progress within the digital asset space.
  • The Coinbase Institue will be headed by Hermine Wong who has a strong resume regarding regulation and previously served in the Division of Economic and Risk Analysis at the SEC.
  • The initial advisory board has been formed and features top-class academics from the most prestigious universities across the US, such as Harvard, MIT, Duke and John Hopkins.
  • The Coinbase Institute will work similarly to traditional economic think tanks but instead focus on crypto, blockchain and Web 3.0 related issues.
  • The Institute has kicked off its first research with work on ‘Crypto and the Climate’, which sparks conversation on the high energy usage of proof-of-work (PoW) blockchains.
  • In addition, the first ‘Monthly Insights Report’ has been released, which focuses on providing real-time comparative analysis of the cryptocurrency market and traditional finance.

This initiative creates a positive and progressive outlook on regulation which should only push the space further.