Another Day, Another Hack
Market Meditations | August 3, 2022

Recent crypto news has been filled with hacks and exploits and unfortunately, today is no exception. Users of Phantom wallet are reporting funds being drained without their permission.
- Twitter user Paladin@NFTPeasant has reported the attack and revealed that the owner of this wallet appears to have stolen more than $500,000 worth of SOL, $1.5 million worth of SPL, and $1 million of NDXF.
- The hacker seems to have hit multiple Phantom wallets, although a representative from Phantom said they are gathering more information, but “doesn’t believe this is a Phantom-specific issue.”
- Some users fear this issue is related to Magic Eden, the most popular NFT marketplace on Solana. Although they did not respond to an inquiry from Coindesk writers, they did tweet these instructions to revoke user permissions on the Phantom wallet.
- Sadly, the exploit might not be limited to only one wallet, as a Trust wallet and Slope Finance user also reported losing USDC on both Solana and Ethereum.
This is a developing story, and the exact cause of the exploit is unknown at this time, but some users are speculating this may have something to do with interacting with Solaland tools or casino-type games. If you are concerned that you may be affected, you can start your defense by revoking app permissions. Furthermore, check out our Security Guide to keep your funds as safe as possible.