Data MINEing

Market Meditations | January 9, 2023

If you caught yesterday’s newsletter, you already know that data analysis is one (of many) skills you could learn to make an income in Web3. Many companies and projects have already identified ways for the consumer to own their personal data and the idea is catching on in the Metaverse community.

  • Tech execs recently gathered together at a Digital Hollywood Conference to discuss the future of Web3 and the Metaverse along with other cutting-edge technology.
  • Napster CEO Jon Vlassopulos loves the idea of people being rewarded for their data.
  • Over the past few years, the public has discovered just how much money internet companies have made selling their data. When Apple recently gave users the option to block apps from tracking their data, Meta lost billions of dollars in ad revenue.
  • Executive Mary Hamilton of Accenture, a global consultant giant, thinks the move to owning and selling your private data will be better for brands as well since they will have access to more accurate data.

Our data is being sold whether we like it or not, so owning our data could lead to a profitable data mine’ing side hustle.